Monday, October 1, 2012

Second Report

J: Hello dear viewers, good evening everyone and welcome once again to his program "The world of cinema."
Today we'll talk about British film and for this we have a guest, his name is David Guzman and is an expert in the subject to be discussed.
Good evening David, welcome and thanks for joining us.

D: Good night Johan, viewers and thanks for inviting me to the program.

J: Well David, as I mentioned, the issue to be addressed is the British cinema.
What do you think about British cinema throughout history?

D: I think the British cinema has changed through history. Since the first British films were often melodramatic tone and there was a distinct preference for arguments that were already known to the audience, in particular adaptations of Shakespeare's plays and novels of Charles Dickens. Currently has a more commercial approach such as is love and a little violence. However, we must recognize that all films have a touch of originality.

J: This mensionas originality that is because?
D: This originality is mainly due to the creativity of the directors, and in the spaces where some of the scenes and the hallmark of some of the actors, as Chaplin does the same, for example.

J: Some of the most influential filmmakers and revolutionary in what has been and is the British film industry are:
Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin (16 April 1889 – 25 December 1977)
Anthony Asquith (1902-1968)
We Dive at Dawn (1943)
Alfred Hitchcock (1899 - 980)
The 39 steps (1935)
The Lady Vanishes (1938)
Frenesí (1972)
Stanley Kubrick (estadounidense) (1928-1999)
Dr. Strangelove (1964)
2001: Una odisea del espacio (1968)
La naranja mecánica (1972)
El resplandor (1980)

J: What can you tell us about some of these movies?
D: Personally, I like the style of Hitchcock film in some of his films, such as The rope and psychosis. Also you should know that other films have caused controversy in the world, as the Clockwork Orange. And you Johan, what you think about current British film, what are your favorite movies and actors?
J: Well, I think the British film industry is at a very high level, I do not know if Hollywood reach, but its level is very good.
An example of this are the movies listed as the highest grossing throughout history and is also including some of my favorites:

Titanic starring Kate Winslet
Harry Potter stars Daniel Radcliffe
Star Wars
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring starring Elijah Wood
Robert Pattinson who starred resientemente twilight saga.

All right David, thank you very much for giving us a bit of your time and share with us your thoughts about the British cinema. Until next time, good night.
D: It was a pleasure to be here with you, see you soon.
J: goodbye.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Members of group:
David Guzmán Tobón
Lucas Londoño
Johan Estiben López Cifuentes

The world of Cinema

In this blog you will find general information about British cinema. In especial about transcendental movies along history. We will Talk about awards, featured actors, best and worst scenes, top managers by gender and other fun facts that are worth noting in this wonderful world.
Plus you'll find reviews and detailed information provided by us on some genres that are particular to our liking.

What you are going to do?
It will be a TV show where we will talk about British cinema, history, feature films, and other controversial scenes, showing some short parallel. It will also have a special guest, who will give us his opinion on some specific genres to try.

Who is doing what?
We will have two presenters and a special guest.

David Guzmán
Johan López

Lucas Londoño

Table of Contents

1 Introduction and presenters
2 Dialogue by presenters
3 Presentation of guest
4 Dialogue with guest
5 Reviews, invited criticism from
6 Close the program